Limnological Institute
Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
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  • Congratulations to Bessudova A., Galachyants Y., Firsova A., Hilkhanova D., Marchenkov A., Nalimova M., Sakirko M., Likhoshway Ye. with publishing the paper in the journal Sustainability!

Congratulations to Bessudova A., Galachyants Y., Firsova A., Hilkhanova D., Marchenkov A., Nalimova M., Sakirko M., Likhoshway Ye. with publishing the paper in the journal Sustainability!

Bessudova A., Galachyants Y., Firsova A., Hilkhanova D., Marchenkov A., Nalimova M., Sakirko M., Likhoshway Y. Seasonal Dynamics of the Silica-Scaled Chrysophytes as Potential Markers of Climate Change in Natural Model: Deep Cold Lake–Shallow Warmer Reservoir // Sustainability. 2024. - V. 16. - №17. - p. 1-16. DOI: 10.3390/su16177299